ONARR (Orphaned Native Animals Rear & Release)
Address: 11-17 Islandview St, Barellan Point Qld 4306 Rescue Hotline: 07 3030 2245 Phone (Admin): See ONARR Web site Help page for other numbers E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.onarr.org.au |
Comments: O.N.A.R.R. is a community-based programme run entirely by volunteers. It operates under a Rehabilitation permit issued by the Qld Government. Our group is based in and around the suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland. O.N.A.R.R. came into existence during the 1980’s, to look after Flying Foxes. From that base, we have grown to be an organisation that caters for the needs of many Australian native creatures. There are seven separate Registers: Gliders, Possums, Macropods (kangaroos and wallabies), Birds, Other Fauna, Flying Foxes and Insectivorous Bats, and Reptiles.
You can also contact the RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) from anywhere in Qld.
You can also contact the RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) from anywhere in Qld.
Clicking on the website above will open that website in another tab. To send an email to the wildlife group, copy the email address from above and paste into your email program.
If you find any errors in the information we provide, or want to let us know that a wildlife group is no longer operating please let us know via the contact page. If you would like to provide information about an organisation that we do not already have listed in our database, please let us know by using the NEW ENTRY form.
Do not use email to report an animal in need. Not all groups monitor their emails 24/7 and if an animal is reported by email, your report may not be read in time to save the animal. Always use the provided Rescue hotline number to report injured, sick or orphaned wildlife.
Clicking on the website above will open that website in another tab. To send an email to the wildlife group, copy the email address from above and paste into your email program.
If you find any errors in the information we provide, or want to let us know that a wildlife group is no longer operating please let us know via the contact page. If you would like to provide information about an organisation that we do not already have listed in our database, please let us know by using the NEW ENTRY form.
Do not use email to report an animal in need. Not all groups monitor their emails 24/7 and if an animal is reported by email, your report may not be read in time to save the animal. Always use the provided Rescue hotline number to report injured, sick or orphaned wildlife.